Take the 2020 Census today. The census counts every person living in the United States, regardless of age or citizenship status, every 10 years in years ending in 0.
It’s Important
It’s about money, power, and data. Every 10 years we help decide how taxpayer dollars come back to our communities. The 2020 Census will help to distribute billions of dollars in federal resources to your community. Our community gets resources based on census population counts, that help pay for hospitals, emergency services, schools, roads, and more. An accurate and complete census helps businesses, community leaders and elected officials make informed decisions every day.
It’s Easy
For the first time, people can respond online and by phone, in addition to the mail-in option. Your response impacts funding for your community for critical services for the next 10 years. The next decennial census happens in 2030.
Image by Virtual Create-a-thon from #CreativesForTheCount