



Zoning is the Village of Washburn’s ordinance code or laws that dictate how real property can and cannot be used within village limits to make sure Residential, Commercial and Industrial stay in the proper area within the village. Zoning also ensures everyone follows the same rules so at the end of the day everyone gets equality within the ordinance code.

Zoning is charged with making sure any improvements to property are accurately documented and filed with Woodford or Marshall County.

Zoning meetings are held quarterly providing citizens a forum to clarify & sometimes challenge ordinances. 


  • Revising pool ordinance to make it more easily understood.
  • Working with the village police to get vehicles that are not plated and registered to be removed from property within the village.

Get In Touch

Contact me with your questions or suggestions today.


Merle Guy
Zoning Officer
(309) 696-4582


Zoning Officer Wanted

The Village of Washburn is in need of a Zoning Officer. Click or tap to learn more.